Air power athletics is a sport that was formed as a mixture of elements of aerobatics and workout. This discipline belongs to modern sports and it has been recognized in Russia only 5 years ago, when the federation of air power athletics was founded. Air power athletics insurance is necessary both for daily training sessions and for participation in competitions, because this sport is associated with high risk of injuries.
The most common injuries in air power athletics
The list of occupational injuries in air power athletics is big enough. Athletes have to perform all tricks and power elements without any contact with the floor and it often results in following injuries:
- Sprains.
- Wrist fractures.
- Spinal injuries.
- Bone fractures caused by fallings.
According to statistics, every athlete faces 3-5 injuries of medium severity every year. Every third athlete sustains serious injuries, which require hospitalization. Online accident sports insurance is needed to compensate for the costs of treatment and rehabilitation followed after sustaining such injuries.
The coverage of accident insurance for air power athletics
Accident sports insurance is a special insurance product that covers any physical injuries sustained while doing sports or under other circumstances specified in the contract. On SPORT.INSURE website it is possible to register a policy with worldwide coverage. At the same time, all the insurance data immediately gets into a unified insurance database and is being stored until the expiration of the contract.
Different types of insurance products cover various insurance risks. Following accidents may fall under sports insurance coverage:
- Various physical injuries.
- Burns.
- Hospitalization.
- Outpatient treatment.
- Surgery.
- Rehabilitation procedures.
- Temporary disability.
- Permanent disability.
- Death.
You can purchase sports insurance online on our website within just a few minutes. After making payment, the electronic version of the policy will become available. In this case, it is not necessary to print the policy, because all the insurance data immediately appears in the unified insurance database. Your insurance policy is also always available in your personal account on the website. You can apply for sports insurance online using any device connected to the Internet.