Children are obviously attracted by such an exciting sport as whitewater kayaking. Conquering the water surface, rapid turnovers and going through tracks of various difficulties give them feeling of freedom and a huge surge of adrenaline. Children’s insurance for whitewater kayaking is required not only for the period of tournaments; it is a necessity for participation in regular training sessions.
What kind of risks awaits the children in whitewater kayaking?
According to statistics, the level of children’s traumatism in whitewater kayaking is rather low. It is related to severe injuries that may lead to disability or death. However, teenagers sustain slight and medium injuries quite often like in any other kind of sports. Besides, children may suffer injuries in their everyday lives. This is the reason why some coaches recommend the athletes under 18 to cover themselves with all-day insurance.
Some features of children’s all-day insurance
Purchasing a children’s insurance policy, you should pay your attention to the fact that the standard certificates for whitewater kayaking cover only the period of sport activities. The all-day children’s insurance covers all accidents regardless of time and place they have occurred. You can purchase all-day insurance on SPORT.INSURE at a special tariff. You are free to select any insurance period up to 1 year.