Children's insurance for aeromodelling sports

An inexpensive children’s insurance policy for aeromodelling sports can be issued online within a few minutes. This is a necessary paper for all the children who do aeromodelling at schools or in clubs. Managers and instructors must check the availability of the policies. They may lose their jobs or they may be.brought to trial if they allow young participants access to trainings or competitions without a policy.

The pricing of the children's sport insurance policies for aeromodelling sports

Depending on customer’s demands, the sport insurance policy can be issued with from 1 day (event duration) up to 1 year validity. The price depends on multiple factors:

  • Type – compulsory insurance, voluntary insurance, accident insurance, international insurance;
  • Validity;
  • Number of athletes;
  • Insurance amount.

If the basic contract doesn’t suit the customers’ demands, additional paragraphs are allowed for additional payment, of course.

With our help you can purchase a sport insurance policy online saving your time and money. We will take note of all customers’ demands. The SPORT.INSURE employees will tell you about the types of insurance products, explain how, in what cases and amounts they are being paid.

According to the law, the money to insured persons are being paid if they get injured or suffer from an occupational disease. The amount of compensation is different, it depends on the severity of the injury. You can find out the details during the consultations. Call us or contact us directly on our website.

The price of the children's sport insurance policies for aeromodelling sports