Participating in historical reenactment gives a child an opportunity to get unforgettable impressions, learn history and train physical strength and endurance. Today it is one of the most interesting types of active recreation for both adults and teenagers. More and more children of different age are getting involved in historical reenactment. Children’s historical reenactment insurance is required by the current law, otherwise it is forbidden to participate in reenactment events.
Why should the children be insured?
Historical reenactment is not a game, but recreating historical events, as close to the conditions of warfare battles as possible. Each child can suffer from injury while participating in tournaments, and that’s why children’s insurance is a necessity dictated by the rules of the game.
Moreover, children’s insurance is also necessary in everyday life, because teenagers often lack the feeling of self-preservation, and therefore their behavior often results in different injuries. This fact makes the coaches to recommend the parents to cover their children with all-day insurance.
Coverage area of all-day insurance
Children's all-day insurance for historical reenactment is valid worldwide. SPORT.INSURE website offers several types of insurance policies and you can pick the most suitable option for you. You can register children's insurance online for a period from 1 day up to 1 year. You can purchase a policy right before the start of any event or right before the departure to a foreign country, because all the insurance data immediately get into the unified database and the policy starts operating in a few minutes after purchase.