Zendo has become one of the most popular matial arts among children in the recent years. It is a rather young sport which was founded just about 10 years ago. It attracts many people by its extraordinary mix of different moves from various types of martial arts that provide excellent skills of active self-defense. Children’s insurance for Zendo is required both in daily training sessions and at sport competitions.
Children’s all-day insurance for Zendo is the best choice
Children’s insurance is an exclusive insurance product which can be offered by rare insurance companies. SPORT.INSURE suggests you to purchase an all-day sport insurance policy for young athletes who practice Zendo. This type of insurance has the maximum extended coverage. It is valid worldwide 24 hours a day.
Children’s insurance in everyday life is no less important than ordinary sports insurance. Children and teenagers aged 7 - 18 often sustain different injuries when they fall out of their parents’ control. 80% of accidents happen to children in this age range. That’s why all-day children’s insurance is the perfect choice for all parents.
Zendo coaches demand the children to be insured
Current law requires all children who are involved in professional sports, to be insured for the duration of regular training sessions and any sport events. That’s why the coaches’ demands are reasonable. Moreover, the coaches have the right to suspend the uninsured children.