insurance policy for cue sports

Since 1998, cue sports have been officially recognized as a professional sport. This means a certain responsibility for athletes, because now tournaments and competitions are held under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee, which means that cue sports insurance is a must for each participant. Along with competitions, insurance is also needed for daily training sessions, because a professional athlete simply doesn’t have the right to do sports without sports insurance.

What injuries are common for cue sports?

Contrary to popular belief that cue sports are not traumatic, participants often sustain injuries that require medical care. During a match, athletes can sustain such slight injuries as bruises and sprains. More serious injuries also can’t be excluded. The most serious injuries in cue sports are:

  • Teeth broken by cue ball.
  • Craniocerebral injuries resulted by fallings.
  • Broken hands.
  • Broken feet hit by cue ball.
  • Broken nose, etc.

Most often athletes sustain injuries resulted by fallings and being hit by cue balls. However, athletes often suffer from chronic diseases, which are characterized by shoulder and wrist joints injuries. Sports insurance for cue sports covers both acute and chronic injuries that require treatment and rehabilitation procedures.

Coverage of cue sports insurance

Insurance for cue sports has worldwide coverage. Athletes remain under insurance cover during training sessions, competitions and tournaments, as well as while traveling to sports events and back home. Sports insurance for cue sports issued in our company covers all the basic risks related to sport activities. The list of insurance risks covered by online policies includes the following:

  • Medium and serious injuries.
  • Hospitalization and inpatient treatment.
  • Surgery.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Outpatient treatment.
  • Temporary disability.
  • Permanent disability.
  • Death.

You can also purchase sports insurance for cue sports online with an expanded list of insurance risks. The extended insurance allows you to receive money compensation not only after an accident that might occur during training sessions, but also in case you sustain an injury in everyday life. Before registering a policy read more about terms and conditions of sports insurance.

The price of the sport insurance policies for cue sports