Cycle sport

Types of the sport insurance policies for cycle sport

Insuring the athletes is very important, because the risk of getting injured during competitions or training sessions is very high. There are a few types of insurance for cycle...

Purchase a sport insurance policy for cycle sport

Insuring the cyclists is a standard procedure because, according to the law of the Russian Federation, only the insured athletes are allowed to participate in cycling...

Sport insurance policies for Cycle sport

Cycling trainings mean riding a bike on asphalt and dirt roads. Almost all training tracks are available for everyone and this fact increases the risk of fallings and injuries....

Children’s sport insurance policies for cycle sport

Insuring the children for cycle sport is extremely important. The policy will keep the family finances safe and defray the costs of treatment if your child gets injured....

Types of the sport insurance policies for cycle sport

Insuring the athletes is very important, because the risk of getting injured during competitions or training sessions is very high. There are a few types of insurance for cycle...