insurance policies for running

Running is one of the most popular and oldest sports. The sport of athletics includes several types of running. Each of them has its own features and requirements. The main qualities of a good runner are endurance, speed, tactical thinking and reaction.

A sport insurance policy for running is a certificate meant for the professional athletes, for whom running is an important part of life. The sport insurance policies for runners are essential part of the sport career which every athlete must have. Despite running seems to be a simple sport, it is rather traumatic. According to the statistics, the number of injuries in running sport has increased by 34% over the past 15 years.

The most common runners’ injuries

All the sport injuries are divided by the doctors to acute and chronic. Runners often pick up following injuries:

  • Acute – ligament tensions, bone fractures, muscle ruptures. In general, these injuries occur during training process and competitions. The acute injuries are caused by physical overloads, fallings and training imbalance.
  • Chronic – knee injuries, periostitis, tendonitis, etc. The chronic injuries are usually caused by improper workloads in trainings, untreated injuries, wrong rehabilitation courses, etc.

Purchasing a sport insurance policy for running online will not save the athlete from accidents, of course, but it will provide him with money compensation if he picks up a sport injury.

What do the sport insurance policies for running defray?

Sport insurance policies for runners are certificates that provide athletes with money compensations in case of injuries. Depending on the type of insurance policy and on the list of insurance cases in the contract, a fixed amount is being determined. It can completely or partially defray the costs of treatment, rehabilitation or other measures for fast recovery. Please, pay your attention that the compensations are paid only if the accident occurred during the insurance period. So, it is recommended that you take care of timely prolonging you certificates in order to receive decent money compensations in the event of an accident.

The types of the sport insurance policies for running

SPORT.INSURE offers the athletes all the available types of insurance policies. Depending on your goals and needs, you can purchase a policy online by selecting one of the types from the following list of certificates:

  • Compulsory health insurance policies allow you to receive the guaranteed medical care.
  • Voluntary health insurance policies are the extended policies with an additional list of insurance cases that the standard compulsory policies don’t contain.

Insurance policies for travelling abroad are the certificates that are valid overseas only. They stop working once you return back home.

The price of the sport insurance policies for running