There are two different ways to purchase a sport insurance for wakesurfing. You can do it either offline at the office or online on our website. The traditional way of policy’s issuance at the insurer’s office takes some time. Moreover, many insurers today cannot offer you insurance policies for a particular kind of sports. It means that they offer only standard sport insurance policies.
The purchase of a sport insurance policy for wakesurfing for a special price is available online only. At the same time its price will notably differ from the prices of the standard certificates. In this occasion you can save both your time and money. The insurance compensations are being paid within 14 days from the date of application.
The price of the online sport insurance policies for wakesurfing
The pricing of insurance policies is individual and is up to each particular insurer. The specialized service SPORT.INSURE takes into account not only standard paragraphs such as age of the athlete, type of the policy and insurance amount, but also some additional ones.
The major role in pricing on our website is played by the specificity of each particular sport. Taking into account the low risk of injuries in this sport, the final price of the policy will be significantly lower than that of the standard ones. On our website you can purchase a policy both for children and adults and calculate its price in advance.
You may get both electronic and printed version of your policy. Both these documents have the same legal force and meet all the requirements of the current laws.