Kayakers are often forced to buy standard insurance offline, which doesn’t take into account the specificity of this sport. Not many people know that is has become possible to purchase sports insurance for whitewater kayaking without leaving home.
Where can you purchase sport insurance for whitewater kayaking?
SPORT.INSURE is a specialized sport insurance service that offers you an insurance product which has been designed exactly for whitewater kayaking. There are several types of insurance certificates both for adults and children with insurance period varying from 1 day up to 1 year. Purchasing an insurance policy online you can be sure, that all our certificates have full legal force and meet all requirements of the current law. These certificates have also worldwide coverage.
What factors affect the price of online sport insurance policies for whitewater kayaking?
The prices of insurance for whitewater kayaking are being determined individually taking into account the athlete’s age and the chosen type of insurance. The price also depends on the insurance amount and insurance period. You can find out the total price of your policy online using our insurance calculator.
In the event of an accident, the compensations are being paid within 14 days in accordance with the contract after submitting all necessary documents. Both single and group insurance policies for whitewater kayaking are available for online purchase. In this case, each participant receives his or her individual policy.