Taking into account the fact that this is a very young sport, it is not possible to purchase sports insurance for Zendo in all insurance companies. Most often, athletes have to purchase standard sports insurance policies offline, which are offered at fixed prices. Online insurance service SPORT.INSURE can offer a fundamentally different product for athletes who practice Zendo. We have created special insurance for this sport. We considered the low risks of injuries, so you can now buy insurance for Zendo at a special tariff.
What does the price of insurance for Zendo depend on?
The prices are being calculated individually for each athlete. The pricing includes a few basic factors which affect the final price of the certificate. The price of online insurance for Zendo depends on the following:
- Athlete’s age. There are two categories: children under 18 and adults.
- Insurance period. You can select any period from 1 day up to 1 year.
- Insurance amount.
You can calculate the total price of the policy in advance before purchasing it. After signing the contract you will receive an electronic version of your insurance policy by email. If needed, you can order a delivery with a printed version. All our insurance certificates have full legal force and meet all the requirements of current law.