sport insurance policies for aerobatics

Aerobatics is a quite rare, but exciting sport. Many people are getting more and more interested in it, because it represents grace, legerity and stamina. However, the athletes can pick up various injuries like in any other kind of sports. Some of those injuries might lead to long-term and expensive treatment and further rehabilitation.  

Sport insurance for aerobatics are an effective and reliable instrument of protecting yourself completely from possible accidents. Insuring guarantees you reliable and stable payments if you get injured.    

The most common injuries in aerobatics

The most frequent types of injuries picked up by both male and female athletes are knee and ankle joint injuries. The reason is improper landing while completing an element. Elbows, wrists and shoulders get frequently damaged as well. There are big overloads on the upper limbs which may cause contortions, sprains and other injuries. Performing complicated aerobatic elements causes tremendous pressure on the athlete’s spine. Imperfect skills often results in various thigh and ankle injuries. The lower limbs are also prone to injuries. Bone fractures are quite rare but they require long-term treatment.   

How does insurance work in aerobatics

The amount of insurance payoffs depends on the following factors:   

  • Insurance amount;
  • Type of injury and its severity.

The most popular types of sport insurance policies 

  • Yearly insuring (the policies are valid through the whole year and cover the period of training sessions and competitions);
  • Insuring for a certain event (the policies provide athletes with insurance protection during certain competitions only).   

Our company offers you a package of insurance services at the highest level, since we have all the instruments needed. We also provide the athletes involved in aerobatics with an opportunity to purchase an insurance policy online. This makes the process of signing the contracts quicker and easier.

The price of the sport insurance policies for aerobatics