The significance of the sport insurance policies for travelling abroad is determined by the increasing risk of traumatism during the training process or ballroom dance competitions. The costs of professional medical care and medicines abroad may be much more expensive than in Russia.
Purchasing travel insurance for ballroom dance means protection from the situations when, having sent your child to another country, you have to spend substantial sums for treatment and look for suitable medical institutions yourself. Competitions and training camps in ballroom, Latin and European dance (dance sport) often take place in different countries.
Defrayal of the sport insurance policies for travelling abroad
The sport insurance policies for travelling abroad which you can purchase online on the SPORT.INSURE website offer you 3 options. You can find them on the online insurance calculator webpage. Under the insurance contract, the policies defray the insurance cases that occur during trainings, competitions and any other period of staying abroad. If you purchase a sport insurance policy for travelling abroad online you can add some paragraphs that may contain the insurance risks related to leisure or extreme sport. The amount that insured person or the parents or tutors of the insured child will receive is determined by the severity injuries.
In general all insurance situations are divided into 3 types:
- Injury (bone fractures, tensions etc.)
- Disability of any category
- Death
In the event of an insurance case you should immediately inform the insurer and give a detailed description of the case. In the first situation, money payoffs can vary from 1% to 100% of the amount registered in the contract, in the second situation - from 60% to 90%, and in the third - 100%. You should learn in advance where you can purchase children’s sport insurance policies for travelling abroad.