types of insurance in auto racing

Before you start doing active kinds of sport you need to take care of your health’s safety. Purchasing an accident sport insurance policy will help you in this case, especially if you are doing auto racing or motorcycling. Those who suppose that a standard accident insurance policy would work for them should pay their attention to its paragraphs: in particular what cases in such a policy could be considered as insurance cases. Read the contract carefully and you feel sure that there is nothing about injuries while doing sports.

What is accident auto racing insurance

The accident insurance policy for auto racing contains a special list of cases which are considered as insurance cases. In particular, getting injured during competitions or injuries while doing active kinds of sport are included in this list. So, signing an insurance contract of this type is not only dictated by the law or by the clubs managers’ intention to protect themselves. Signing such a contract you will get compensation for most of the costs of treatment followed by so-called sport injuries.

There are nowadays two types of sport insurance policies in Russia – accident insurance policies and policies for travelling abroad. The first type is of short validity and is being issued during certain competitions or sport events. In particular such a policy is required by almost sport clubs, especially auto clubs. Policies for travelling abroad are being issued with 1 year validity and include all types of sport injuries. Besides, policies of this type are necessary when an athlete takes part in a competition outside of Russia.

The price of the sport insurance policies for auto racing