The types of sports insurance for freestyle wrestling don’t differ from the types of insurance for athletes involved in any other kind of sports. But we offer a special insurance tariff for the wrestlers. Accident sport insurance and sport insurance for travelling abroad are available on SPORT.INSURE for online purchase.
The types of insurance for wrestlers
If you have an accident insurance policy, the compensation is paid if you pick up such injuries as bone fractures, concussions etc. during training sessions or sport competitions. The best option is to register an accident for 1 year. This type of insurance provides you with payoffs in accordance with the payment table.
Insurance policies for travelling abroad works not only for sports, but also for tourist trips, hiking and other types of recreation, which take place outside the country. The specificity of these policies is that they are valid when an athlete stays on the territory of another country and defray medical expenses overseas only.
The specificity of the compulsory health insurance policies is that getting such a policy is a must absolutely for everyone.