Now, if you want to purchase a sport insurance policy for rowing, you don’t need to call the offices or meet the agents. You can find everything on our website. The customer only has to select suitable type of the policy, its insurance period and other conditions. These paragraphs will form the final price of the policy.
You can easily purchase an insurance policy online without visiting offices and collecting documents.
Payments and formation of the price of sport insurance policy for rowing
The compensation is being paid in following cases:
- Slight injuries;
- Medium injuries;
- Severe injuries, chronic occupational diseases that lead to temporary disability;
- Disability of categories 1 and 2.
The defrayal works only in cases related to trainings, training camps and competitions.
If you participate in a significant competition, which last just a couple of days, the best choice for you would be an accident insurance policy that would be valid through the competition only. This policy will contain additional insurance conditions. The customer gets extra material security under any force majeure.
If an international tournament which takes place outside of your country is planned, you will need a sport insurance policy for travelling abroad. It’s being issued separately from the basic insurance policy.
The SPORT.INSURE experts will provide you with any information you need and they will help you to calculate the price of the policy of selected type.